Ladies and Gentlemen, I bought another piece of software. I paid for a specially groomed browser. This seems so unbelievable. How could it happen? Watson just really reminded me so much of this little communicator software device which our team back at organic and our friends at meso in frankfurt were developing for Fox and Coca-Cola a few years ago.
I know, it seems that Watson is just a non Apple version of Sherlock 3...
Yes, it is, in some ways. But there are just so many other little ways and paths which make it special and friendly and exactly what I was looking for.There are the Polish recipes. There are four versions of Bigos there. How could I resist. And Chruscik, are you kidding me? I have not had these for at least 9 years now. Oh, and the dictionary is not just a dictionary here. It is a little bookshelf with several books and even Emily Post�s guide to human behavior. Translations? Watson actually can translate from and into Polish. What a friend.
Weather? How about doppler radar animations of the region. I could continue here for a few more pages.
I have this s feeling that today�s visit to the Apple store in SoHo made me a bit too nerdy for my own good. I will now need to lean back, look out of my window and just slowly write down what I see, (other than the animated McDonald�s neon sign.)
Thank you for sending me the link Tom. How could you send me this link and not think about the consequences, Tom!