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«Eureka before sunrise. | Front | back »

October 06, 2002
A big breakfast.

The skunk was gone by breakfast time, of course. The café by the harbor turned out to have some of the most fantastic breakfast. It could be that I was hungry like a lumberjack, of course, after my little excursion around the bay in the morning. As I was finishing my dish, the sky over the bay became a bit too busy to ignore. There were maybe five pelikans that flew over the bay in circles it seemed. The number of birds increased drastically from minute to minute though. I ran out of the restaurant towards the bay just to see the most spectacular feeding frenzy all over the Eureka bay. It was like a scene from birds (which was shot at Bodega Bay, a few hours from here.) There were about 30 or maybe even 50 or so pelikans circling over the bay just to dive from the sky to grab a fish every few seconds or so. There were also some other birds, but they were more of the quiet observers in this very well organized hunt. I was not quite sure how it was possible that so much fish was accumulated in this bay, right by the boardwalk, basically in the middle of this little city. I tried to take some pictures of the birds, but it was really impossible. They are such great air acrobats and they were working for their breakfast too close to me to be able to get any of them. I must have shot two rolls of sky with some blurry flying animals in them. The hunt was over as suddenly as it began. And with the end of the hunt, as the birds began to return their homes across the bay, came the answer to the question how the birds could have managed to attract such a large swarm of fish. In several corners of the bay surfaced the actual hunters. There must have been 7 or more seals peaking out of the water now. They seemed to be almost smiling, or changing their tricots after a successful game. This was a good hunt. We had just witnessed the above water portion of it. It was time to leave Eureka and find the good old trees. We had to find them and look at them before sundown. There are no s in forests here. So we had to rush.

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