August 31, 2002
good evening, good night.
It is all very different here. The air makes sound. We smell the light. We are not very far from the city, but the loudest sounds right now are the cicadas or similar insects outside of our window in the trees. They were not there in Massachusetts last week and they are always here in Port Washington, Long Island. Even during the day. Insect and bird sounds. It is such a good sign.
There were some screaming kids out there before too, but the beer must have run out and so the noises are winding down. I am going to sleep now too. I wonder how far the sounds will follow me now. I will try to take them with me. Good night.
Oh! Maybe you didn't listen as well in Massachusetts, they are all there, I promise : )
Posted by: k on September 2, 2002 12:03 PMPost a comment