August 30, 2002
a move

it is finally time for me to move to a different host. There might be some issues with this site in the next few days. Hope you are not even surfing the web (it is a holiday weekend, you know) so maybe you will not even notice? ;)
I am moving from thebook.com, who have probably the nicest service there is, to aletia who have one of the most affordable service offers around. In these tough times... hmm... what can I tell you.

Posted by Witold Riedel at August 30, 2002 09:58 PM

holiday, hellidaze...i'm at work so OF COURSE i'm surfing the web...am soooooo bored in fact i'm even surfing witold's links!

so for other's bored at work on a saturday too...
this was the first i was happy with

(okay so i added the art-video.shtml bit)

Ooooooooooh, I hate comedy but these old reels are too funny...just wish wegman had quick time.

Posted by: em!ly on August 31, 2002 12:22 PM
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