August 28, 2002
chemical sisters and brothers

Marshal McLuhan’s "Mechanical bride" contains one of these now unbelievable looking ads from the 50’s which praise the use of Lysol for very intimate hygiene. (Several times a day.) Women seem to be the ones who like to use hardcore chemicals on themselves for some sad reason.
I really wonder how we are going to look at the following site BOTOX® Cosmetic about 30 years from now. (not meant as another microsoft joke) I have the feeling that there will be no trace of a smile on our young and beautiful looking faces. But maybe we will just cry somewhere deep inside of our bypassed hearts? And we will rub some of that FDA approved Anthrax-creme on our last wrinkle?
God, please let me and my friends age gracefully.

Posted by Witold Riedel at August 28, 2002 03:11 PM

Mmm... anthrax wrinkle cream...

Try it on saltines!


Make it stop!

Posted by: d kitty on August 29, 2002 04:01 PM

try these:

Posted by: witold on August 29, 2002 04:11 PM
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