There are mornings when not a single email arrives, when there is no phone call, no newspaper in front of the door. And then things seem quiet, but in a strangely uncomfortable way. How can I find out if you are still out there? Can you tell me? Are you there?
Posted by Witold Riedel at August 17, 2002 10:54 AMI was coming to ask bill and liz a question....there are also a couple of people who dothis in my old neighborhood...every couple moths on a sunday, they set up a table in front of the local pharmacy and put out a questions...and people do..they have been doing it for several years anyway...a nice stream/trend for small communities I think...
And the roof of the Met ! : ) Maybe I will go there tonight...I have been wanting to see for a while...and the museum closes at 8 or 9 pm...or does the roof close early have to check...but a glass of wine among the sculptures looking out over the city sounds wonderful...maybe I will visit turtle 2..
forgot. : )
Posted by: k on August 17, 2002 11:06 AMif a tree falls somewhere in the forest...
ich bin hier!
3 time zones away, hung over, making an omelette. want some coffee?
Oh, thank you, thank you thank you,
danke, danke, danke...
: )
All is good now...
I should just keep quiet and not cry wolf when the morning starts out slowly. The days tend to be packed regardless.
: )