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July 12, 2002
Let�s help REDD and Wearkstatt

Hello Friends, Eric REDD Feliciano, the man who built the Wearkstatt Bridal site just sent me this email:
Hello, everyone... I need a little favor... 'Would you go to the web-page
below and vote for our beautiful dress, please, please, please. The NBC
Today show is letting its audience select a gown for a bride, who will get
married during a live-broadcast. It would be amazing publicity for us, if
the Wearkstatt gown wins. 'Pass it on to all your friends. Thanks a lot !

Let�s help these guys!...


and? when will we hear wether our voting was successfull or not?

Posted by: j�rgen on July 12, 2002 11:37 PM

hey Wit,
thanks for posting this. didn't realize you put this up til today. we didn't win but Wearkstatt and I really appreciate it. thanks again.

Posted by: redd on July 17, 2002 09:03 AM
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