June 25, 2002
Hot and green and small.

An interesting article in the New York Times today brings the comparison of two Supercomputers in Los Alamos. One of them large (Called Q), hot and fast, the other a bit slower, but much smaller and much, much more efficient, named after a Green Destiny. (A name straight from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.)
What will the future of supercomputing bring? For all of us?

Posted by Witold Riedel at June 25, 2002 08:14 AM

Ooooh! I love questions like this *jumps around*. I can't wait for the future. Imagine some slimline slinky but powerful PC's, portable (and cheap) PC's and internet access 24/7 whenever, whatever. And, best of all the Internet actually being sorted into categories so that little kiddies cannot get at porn so easily. Oh and I forgot to mention that we are that much closer to a Star Trek scenario of Beam me up Scotty. Now that's got me excited.

Posted by: sian on June 26, 2002 07:52 PM
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