June 22, 2002
Pigeon power

There are two cell-phone antennas on the building across Broadway. A pigeon landed in front of them, on the corner of the building, facing them. It looked at them as if they were a free pay per view transmission of a formula one pigeon competition, or maybe a surprisingly unscrambled pigeon adult entertainment channel. The bird observed the antennas thoroughly for a really good while. But eventually there was a commercial break, I guess, the pigeon looked distracted, glanced back over its right shoulder (wing) several times, as if somebody had called her name. She eventually spread her wings and joined the other pigeons on 96th street.
I wonder if pigeons can listen to cell-phone conversations and if they know much more than we think. Was there maybe an interesting information being transmitted? Maybe pigeons will be the new agents in some not so far future. Silk goats are here, will there be pigeon homeland security consultants soon? Pigeons are certainly good as advertising carriers too. I recently saw a pigeon that looked like a black nike sneaker. There was a white swoosh on both sides. Wicked.

Posted by Witold Riedel at June 22, 2002 11:35 AM

Do you think pigeons can pick up on our conversations by sitting on wires or on electric devices such as lamp lites? They always seem to be hanging around them, like an omen or like they are listening to a play. Just making an observation and wondering what the pigeons have in mind for us. There seems to be a plot unfolding.

Posted by: Quirky on June 22, 2002 03:50 PM
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