Royal College of Art . The Show 2002 is on. The Site has been on for quite a while, but the catalogue went online today. If you are from Europe, you might have known about it for a while now. If your name is Tom Flemming then you are probably on one of the covers. (I know that Tom is on one of the covers, I am just teasing him here). Go, check out the show. Let me know who your favorites are. Ladies and Gentlemen. It is Friday again.
Posted by Witold Riedel at May 31, 2002 07:48 AMA wonderful design by Michael and Dave at Draught. They got me in to pose for the catalogue. You have seen these pictures before. Almost as wonderful as Witold's tourist's staring at the Mona Lisa.
So there we are in the studio having our dog taken.
Did I say dog? - The photographer had a delightful Jack Russel, I could have adopted him there and then.
Now look at number twelve. They have hidden little stickers with numbers throughout the studio. I can barely find a twelve anywhere. I am sure they are having me on. 'Where was the twelve', I ask. Oh it was there I am assured. I squinted my eyes and gave off a prolonged stare.
The opening evening of the fine art show was great fun. Had many a boring conversation with a German girl and many a laugh with the rest. Keep an eye on the opening of the Communication Show towards the end of June. It will once again be surprising and full of secret delight.
In the mean time head over to the Serpentine Gallery, which is just over the road in the middle of Hyde Park and see Do Hu Sur's work. Brilliant.
So long.