May 30, 2002
Todd Levin in McSweeney’s

McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Today the Toll-Booth Attendant Felt Chatty is a big deal. It features a bit of the work of Todd Levin. (The Toll-Booth Attendant Felt Chatty.)
(I do not quite understand the piece, but it is just me, really.)
I can admit at this point that I have a *lifetime* subscription to McSweeneys and that I am a supporter of McSweeney’s and that some friends in Germany do not like that I gave them two gift subscriptions. But we need to spread the message. McSweeney’s is good for you. Read it, especially today.

Posted by Witold Riedel at May 30, 2002 10:41 PM


what else can really be said.. McSweeney's is good wholesome entertainment wrapped up in a crispy, literate shell.

Posted by: alana on May 30, 2002 11:33 PM

: )

Posted by: Witold on May 31, 2002 12:42 AM
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