May 29, 2002
What makes me blush?
The Russian contestant of the Miss Universe contest just admitted that she blushes whenever she “lies”, not what the translator said. Oh well. It does not really matter, or does it? ;)
Posted by Witold Riedel at May 29, 2002 10:54 PMComments
and she won... ; )
Posted by: Witold on May 29, 2002 10:58 PMisn't that unfair? that's what i don't like with translations.
Posted by: jeanie on May 30, 2002 09:41 PMyes, it is a bit unfair. But then again, when i think about it. Even when I do not translate whatever is said, my thinking takes on completely different shapes and directions, depending on what language I think in. So maybe the question in itself was not fair. Were these women supposed to answer based on the expectations of the Audience?, or on their life experience? Tangents, tangents.
What makes you blush?
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