May 29, 2002
Somehow the opposite of what the broker said.

As I was cleaning directories on the server, I came across an old picture I took when traveling with Barry to Los Angeles. He had just taken the job at raygun, and I had some time to help him move his stuff into the new house on the West Coast. We drove across country in four days and nights, maybe six.
The picture was taken somewhere in Texas, it is a 24 hour info sign in front of one of those country churches that hardly look like a church. The message inspires me every time I see it. It somehow feels like the opposite of what every investment brokerage has told me so far (Past performance is no guarantee of future results). Here past performance will not be looked at, it is the future that starts now that matters. Now that you know it. Make it a good one.
(I also like that the word future is the darkest spot of the sign. So “future” does not necessarily mean a bigger house and more cash in the bank, it just means “your very private, custom future, as bright as you make it.”)

Oh, and can you please do not post any comments about the recent Catholic Church issues? Let’s see more of the big picture here, shall we?

Posted by Witold Riedel at May 29, 2002 06:53 PM
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