May 27, 2002
Do-Ho Suh

Just missed an exhibition in London. It was Do-Ho Suh at the Serpentine Gallery. Saw his work at the 49th Venice Biennale, and it was stunning, energetic and filled with this mind boggling sense of proportion. It all radiated this energy of good art. No questions asked. The pieces make us giants, make us powerful, move us to the edges of our perception. The wallpaper in one of the installations turned out to be millions of individual portraits, just slightly bigger than the presidents on the back of a green card. A monument in front of the Korean pavilion was held up little figures, which also seemed to be individual portraits of actual people. The the entire floor in one of the rooms at the Biennale rested on the tiny plastic hands of these toy people. It reminded me of a story by Stanislaw Lem. A king who’s kingdom was big enough to use his people as confetti at parades. Let me look for the link.

Posted by Witold Riedel at May 27, 2002 03:07 PM
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