May 26, 2002
Let’s Porn.

Fewer and fewer visitors read this blog. It might be the holiday weekend, but it might be the way I write. My writing is just not dirty enough. I do not use words like rooster, or kitten. I do not talk about things that drive traffic. Until now. It is time to link to some good digital porn. Now we will see how many visitors this site will get, how many hungry eyes will follow every link on this page, looking for more. The good, the bad and the pretty ugly stuff. Go for it. Move your mouse over the link and click real hard. You dirty, dirty surfer. (I might be the only New Yorker without a shrink, but if I go on like this... I will need to find one.)
(The above link is not dangerous at all. Yes, you can click it, Brother Franciscus.)
Thank you for the link, agent M3.

Posted by Witold Riedel at May 26, 2002 03:30 PM
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