May 31, 2002
Small aero drawings 17

Just as they started getting OK, I will take a break. There will be no Small aero drawings tomorrow. I had promised to post them through May, and here we go, last day of May, last double of small aero drawings. I have plenty more, it is just that I did not scan them in. But I will, of course, you’ll see, just come back to check.
I remember drawing one of the drawings below on the plane. The plane doors had just closed and the stewardess had just walked past us, checking if we were buckled up. I was seated in a middle seat next to this quite attractive woman in her early 20’s. As I was drawing I noticed that she kept staring at my book. I tried looking back at her book, which had something to do with serious mental disorders and their treatment. After finding that out, I tried not to look much harder. (I was later told that the way I looked was in a bad, not so secret manner, a bit like a “not so secret super-spy”.)
So this woman looked at the smaller one of the drawings, which I had started while we were still at the gate, and which has probably something to do with my “economy-class” seat... She looked at the drawing and then she spoke, in the strangest, scariest, non-human voice, her emphasis somehow focused on the spaces between words, not the words themselves, the pitch of her voice fluctuating between a high pitched sing sang and a deeper something. “I do not know what you are drawing, but it is quite beautiful.” I know this sounds like a very kind and friendly compliment, but the way she said it scared me quite a bit. The way she spoke was way out of my league. I did not know how to react. I did not want to anger the spirits that just tried to get in touch with me. “Calm the waters, calm the waters, beautiful day, quiet flight.” were my thoughts.
I thanked for the compliment, of course, closed the book and did not draw for the rest of the flight. She just kept ordering these hard drinks and her body weight and temperature was somehow noticeable, no matter how hard I tried to move away from her. Oh boy.

If you are new to this blog and would like to look at all of the small aero drawings posted here so far, feel free to browse through them in the small aero drawings section of the catalogue. Open 24 hours. Enjoy.

Posted by Witold Riedel at May 31, 2002 08:00 AM

hehe, sounds like a scene from a comedy (like the girl who looks fine with her back turned, but then she turns around and smiles. with a mustache and no teeth).

Posted by: kaiser on May 31, 2002 09:14 AM

it was quite an experience indeed. Hope she does not read my blog. She would have no problem finding out where I live. She might be a psychiatrist, of course.

Posted by: witold on May 31, 2002 09:52 AM
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