May 30, 2002
Small aero drawings 16

The walls of the cabin seem thinner than my refrigerator door. There is always this tiny pressure equalizing hole somewhere in the window, and tiny little ice particles form there in flight.
The baggage enters the plane in a good old fashioned way. Thrown from little wagons with funny curtains on the side.
The further in the front we sit, the deeper are we allowed to look into the engine, this controlled inferno that sucks in all the air we just saw in front of it and spits it out with a much greater force to generate this great power that carries us all over the ocean. Yes, we are burning oil again. We are mixing air with dirt particles. Yippiee... How many tons of kerosene are burned every minute all over this planet?

Posted by Witold Riedel at May 30, 2002 08:00 AM

on a similar yet unrelated note, the GDP of bangladesh is around $38 billion. the state of illinois is in debt over $200 billion. bangladesh is probably 10 times as populous.

you gotta wonder just how much hunger and homelessness the government could potentially eradicate if it was efficient in spending?


Posted by: kaiser on May 30, 2002 01:02 PM

yes, these thoughts come to my mind when I draw. And then I try to look ahead and see ourselves from the perspective of a future global citizen. How good will we look compared to the middle ages when seen from the mindset of somebody in the year 2500? Will the impact we have on the environment now be compared to what happened to the English landscape in the middle ages? Will landfills be turned into Item-mines? How will archeologists look at our cities? Airports? Golf courses?
How much of the digital information will survive? Tangents, tangents.
Bangladesh needs help. Now.

Posted by: witold on May 30, 2002 02:06 PM


Posted by: Jayda on May 30, 2002 09:59 PM

interesting, bad interesting? or sad interesting...

Posted by: Witold on May 31, 2002 12:43 AM

the way the world works, i wonder if there'll ever be a 2500 for humans to live in. i'm waiting for hell to break loose. things are so unbalanced, but they keep getting more unbalanced without totally breaking into chaos.

but that might be any day. there are a million troops on the india-pakistan border. and i realized a few minutes ago that if even a single shot is misfired, fighting will break out. a million men with guns and tanks and missisles. and nukes. and then the US will more than likely support india instead of taking a nuetral stance. etc..

and then there's the possibility that suppliers of arabica coffee will disappear because the market is saturated, and the supply of crappy vietnamese beans doesn't help any.

no cheerful news to start the day, but i don't feel bad yet.

Posted by: kaiser on May 31, 2002 09:20 AM

Dear Kaiser,

I was just thinking about this myself, the Indian and Pakistani build-up. Its terribly awful, and I just hope everyone involved keeps a cool head, though with everybody pounding sticks for war these days, I don't know. But I think it will be alright (fingers crossed).

I went to your web site and read your (yes :) older, longer version of things and think you sound like a good person, with good intentions. You probably are making, and will make, this world a bit better. I don't know, maybe every single person has so much more influence and impact than they think, even in ordinary, everyday life.

Keep care,

Posted by: kathy on June 1, 2002 05:12 PM
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