Is this an omen?, am I a chosen one?, is the web trying to tell me something here? I just found this article in the Onion as a referrer to my blog. Does this mean that I complain too much?, not enough? Is this a sign that I am going to lose my hair much more?, should I stop drinking hazelnut coffee (how did they know?), or not drive a Volvo (I do not have a car), or forget about New Mexico (who told them?) all together?
This is one of those perfectly spooky links that make the paranoid me even more paranoid. It was OK when the metafilter linked to this blog, but now the Onion? I also had some visitors from this company called Apple this morning (who are they?). Do we have some food theme going on?, is it because I used to work for Organic? It will probably remain a mystery. Unless of course it was you who linked. Come forward, place your comment below. Do not be shy. I know you really to tell us.