A coastline can somehow be a two dimensional experience, there is the water, here is the beach we stand on. The waves take a good aim, lift their white fists and pound them more or less violently against the shore. The ocean comes by and brings some sand.
What I just saw outside the window was a bit like that, except in 3D and with 60 frames per second. Waves of violent rain struck one after the other onto the tar of streets and roofs. Cars with their s on seem to move in channels of dark gray transparent matter, touching not the ground, but the reflection of an identical car upside down emerged in this seemingly very viscose material.
We have big plans for today. We will need to get outside. Break some umbrellas again.
Time for me to lean outside the door and to pick up the Times. My strangely cinematic dreams make me see the world in pseudo poetic colors this morning. I might need a tiny reality check.