One should get the Architectural Record at least once a year. For all of those who do not want to deal with yet another subscription, just spend the seven dollars on the May issue of the record. It is a really (really) good one. Yes, the website is good, of course. It is quite worth a visit too. But nothing beats the little journey into articles and interviews with Glenn Murkutt or with the AIA Gold Medal winner this year, Tadao Ando (love his work in concrete), and the unbelievably wild adventures in architecture in general. All tucked away between advertising for products like Copper or Steel.
The May issue discusses the thinking that is due for the World Trade Center site, focuses on lighting, sheds light on stunning stadium projects from Sapporo to Miami, the Neue Gallerie on New York’s Upper West Side and even the Chancellery in Berlin.
The issue is a great starting point for those who want to know just who is who in current streams of architecture, as it lists those who were distinguished by the American Institute of Architects 2002 honor awards. Pages and pages of pretty stunning projects. No wonder some architects feel as the ultimate artists. (So do some directors too.)
I had great fun browsing through the issue. If you can not get the magazine where you live. Expect some commentary on this site.