May 10, 2002
Excellent weather in New York

The weather is so excellent in New York today. (And probably not only here.) I forgot to bring a camera, but I will take a walk now. I got some of the most encouraging emails in the last few days and they were so good that I was not able to reply right away. I think I have a problem here. It is somehow really difficult for me to reply to really good emails.
I think I am going to have another hiyashi now. The weather is really great in New York, and probably not only here. What is your weather like? Right now. No matter what time it is?. (Talking about the weather seems like a lame escape, doesn’t it?) Leaving the office now. Hiyashi here I come.

Posted by Witold Riedel at May 10, 2002 01:19 PM

and back. There is a slight wind outside, so all people with long hair walking in the streets have this supermodel-photoshoot-wind-in-my-face look. Well, almost. Saw a little poodle dressed up as a racecar driver. Matching yellow glasses and helmet. Also remembered to bring back the address of Sapporo. 152 West 49th street. NY, NY 10019. Their phone number is 212 869 8972. Not sure if they deliver. Hiyashi was good again.

Posted by: witold on May 10, 2002 01:55 PM

in berlin ist das wetter (endlich!!!) auch klasse! - für deutschland gemessen natürlich... - ich schätze bei dir ist es noch ein ganzes stück wärmer *neidischguck*


Posted by: sophia on May 10, 2002 05:14 PM
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