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May 01, 2002
Just got myself my first virtual trading card.

Supposedly I am a Metafilter.
A reliable source of constantly updated cool and ridiculous links.
Keep 'em coming.
Take the What Blogging Archetype Are You test at GAZM.org
The picture is not of me. I am actually not a member of metafilter. Maybe some day. I guess it is time for me to go outside now. The sun is shining, the president flew by and I am not celebrating this first of may event correctly.

Supposedly I am a Metafilter.
A reliable source of constantly updated cool and ridiculous links.
Keep 'em coming.
Take the What Blogging Archetype Are You test at GAZM.org
my favorite comment:
From: rebecca blood
Answer: Rebecca Blood
Date/Time: 4/29/2002 4:30:37 PM
do you know how many times I had to try to get this card???? I seem to think I'm david weinberger...or andrew sullivan. :)
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