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«A collection of internet Hoaxes. | Front | Another scary piece of news. »

April 14, 2002
Biosphere 2

One good thing about the printed version of the times, as a friend once pointed out, is that one can find connections on a page otherwise not as easily found on some websites (Especially the NYT site is not quite as intuitive as the printed version sometimes). Next to the hoax and the monkey articles was an informative ad for Columbia University's Biosphere 2 I did not know that this is a Columbia project (it was not from the get go, but was turned into one after the original Biosphere2 Project had to be broken off, because of sinking oxygen levels in the greenhouse.). The site is quite nice (easy and simple, what if Biosphere2 were “the apartment”). It actually seems to be possible to apply online, apply to spend some time there?, to work?, to study?, all of the above?. Are there any blogs out there by people who have been inside of Biosphere 2?, any survivor stories?, any Monkey Stories? Quite a fascinating Project, thank you Wally Broecker. (Newbury Professor of Geology, Columbia University)

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