December 16, 2001
Good Morning, guten Morgen, Dzien

Good Morning, guten Morgen, Dzien Dobry,
It will take me years to make a blog as spectacular as Neillie¹s . But is I just sit around on my hands and send every single thought i might have to friends, who never reply to my emails anyway, then these years will be wasted.
Wow, do these colors make bitter? Blogger=Bitter?
Ahem, i obviously have no clue what I am doing here. Let me start with a very simple template, very simple settings. In a week or so, I might be able to setup an Archive, maybe even tweak the settings, so i can do something crazy here. But maybe not. Maybe it is not really necessary. Maybe this just needs to be a directory that is a bit smarter than just the autoresponder of location@witoldriedel.com.
And one more great thing.
The "soon" on www.witoldriedel.com gets a fresh and happier meaning. There is a lot of work ahead of us folks. Let¹s get to it.

Ja, und warum das ganze auf Englisch?. Nicht unbedingt. Vielleicht sollten ja bestimmte Sachverhalte noch bitterer, noch verbitterter, noch abstrakter dargestellt werden. (Darstellen, wie das schon klingt) Ja, und dann muß es schon Deutsch sein. Die Sprache, die bei richtigem Nachdenken ja ohnehin die erste Wahl ist, oder nicht?


Posted by Witold Riedel at December 16, 2001 08:17 AM
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