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January 01, 2002
Happy New Year.

Happy New Year. This one will be great. Sure about this one. No doubt. The morning was great already. A message from a dear friend, pictures not expected, so nice. Drawings, reflections, enough discipline to get the right amount of drawings done per day.
And some excellent reading. One great moment of my visit to Toronto was when I came across the publication announcement of Richard Fordıs new book, a collection of stories really, A Multitude of Sins. The book will be available in the States in February, but readers in Canada and England already are allowed to read the stories, of which some have been published before.
I was lucky enough to be in Canada, so I was able to get a copy of the book, and what a great book it is. Richard Fordıs language is like a really rich, creamy piece of chocolate cake. The reading feels so soft and warm. And under the cover of this warmth and sweetness is a brilliantly strung story composition. He manages to develop the characters in a way that makes the stories into touchable experiences. Brilliance. The theme is quite delicious too, failing, confused, complex relationships. What a read. Read "Under the radar" twice today, with such de. Such dirty multilayered illustration of a bad situation. The first sentence sets the stage for a perfect tragedy, and the story just manages to slowly take us down the slope to worse and worse. The situation gets worse, the story and the language keep the deliciously sweet, sly southern flavor. Just the first sentence is so good, i have to quote it here. This should not be a copyright problem, since I am obviously advertising the book here... "On the drive over to the Nicholsons' for dinner - their first in some time - Marjorie Reeves told her husband, Steven Reeves, that she had had an affair with George Nicholson (their host) a year ago, but that it was all over with now and she hoped he - Steven - would not be mad about it and could go on with life."
Just one Sentence...
Happy New Year.

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