January 03, 2002
It is exactly 6 years

It is exactly 6 years ago that i came to live in New York. To celebrate this event, Citigroup Sign will be Replacing Those 3 Sixes at the Top of the 666 building. What a crazy six years. And good six years. A wonderful six years. And a very tough six years. A very eventful six years...
I know, I know. This does not say anything about the actual six years. It was the morning of the fourth of January, when i woke up in the Remington Hotel on 46th Street, and started to realize that I am absolutely, positively, not a tourist, and that this is going to be some rough ride. I also realized that the little money that i had with me would not last for very long. Hmm...
Happy New Year, again... I am now entering "Das verflixte siebte Jahr" with New York. This is going to be a good one. : )

Posted by Witold Riedel at January 03, 2002 11:31 PM
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