February 17, 2002
It is several days now

It is several days now that I submitted the picture below to the mirror project. I guess it will never appear there, since I am a bit too small of an reflection in the picture. (You can not really see me)
But I am there, I am just dressed up as a Jumbo Jet. We do sometimes dress up as people and things, donąt we?

It was the end of December 2001, I had been in Europe for more than three weeks. I had all these grand plans, wanted to work with so many people, wanted to meet so many old friends. I stayed in Frankfurt for the first week, and then things got a bit weird, and coincidently I had the opportunity to visit Paris. I went. Coming back to Frankfurt was supposed to be a better new stab at old friendships. The whole thing really failed when I got really sick. I think it was Pneumonia. I Found myself delirious, in my old room at my parentsą place. Many of my German friends just complained that I failed to visit them. My feeling was that I barely survived the situation.
When I took the picture, it was the end of the trip. I was still on some serious new medication, but going back to New York. I have had enough of some of the pain. I know that some people were hurt my my actions some were hurt my my inactions. I was strangely relieved to be on that plane.

Posted by Witold Riedel at February 17, 2002 10:34 PM
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