February 18, 2002
There goes the weekend. And

There goes the weekend. And what a weekend it was. I was lucky enough to get three days with a Contax G2. A real Photographer who prefers the middle format now, gave his old camera to me, just to try it out. Hmm. A titanium body, obviously very sturdy, since this particular camera seems to have kissed the ground several times. The camera came with a strap that has a large Leica logo on it. And this was also the question of the weekend. We do have a Leica Minilux here, a reliable little friend with one lens, a f2.4/40, and here was the bigger slightly heavier, obviously more serious Contax G2. A professional rangefinder camera, with a Leica strap.
I really shot only a few rolls with the Contax, but it just is so tempting to burn through film so easily. The release button just invites to be pressed. I must have shot 20 or so pictures which I really did not want to take. And what about the real deal Leica, what about the M6 TTL. B&H was the place to go. The Leica was just a very minimal camera. There is not much on it, except a huge price tag. 2000 for the body alone, and then the lenses for another 2000 at least?... Hmm... Then there is this Konica Hexar. A Leica Rip off, except with a motor in it, as tempting to shootshootshoot as the Contax. The Contax does not have a manual focus, the viewfinder is always sharp, the camera is loud, it does have a nice dashboard in the viewfinder, the Leica viewfinder is biggest and brightest. Is this all confusing? Yes, it is very confusing. This is why I am adding no links, or pictures, or anything here, because it is quite confusing.
It seems that I will stick with the minilux for now. And definitely have my Praktina lenses cleaned. Some of the pictures with the large 300mm Lens came out surprisingly clear. I will need to shoot more with that.
And maybe find some place that can scan my films without scratching them.
All of my negatives still came back with scratches, even though they were not supposed to this time, and even though the scanner had been cleaned.
Wow, this little blog is all over the place...
I will need to get some sleep now I do not seem to be able to concentrate.
Good night. I will write more about the cameras as soon as I have a clearer head.

Posted by Witold Riedel at February 18, 2002 11:36 PM
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